English translation for "be speechless"
- 默然无语
Related Translations:
speechless: adj.1.不会说话的;哑的。2.说不出话来的。3.言语表达不出的;无言的。4. 〔英俚〕烂醉的。 短语和例子A gorilla is just a speechless animal. 猩猩只不过是一种不会说话的动物。 The fact that she grew pale showed her speechless fright. 她面无人色说明了她说不出来的恐惧。 s
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Who can understand how my heart feels , wanting to speak but is speechless 谁了解此时我心正欲言但不语 | | 2. | Dasey and i were speechless 我和德茜一言不发。 | | 3. | Both of the wolves are speechless . black cat cop sends them to jail 狼和狈再也无话可说,黑猫警官将他们送进监狱。 | | 4. | It ' s like the first time you tasted celery , you are speechless , even humiliated . “ how is this possible ? ” 这就好像你第一次尝到旱芹菜的感觉,你无话可说,更加感到羞辱。 | | 5. | Most of my fellow waitresses and i were speechless , except for the one who blurted out , " how could anyone stoop so low ? 我和其她大部女招待都没敢吱声,但有人却蹦出一句话: “哪有人能弯腰弯那么低的啊” ! | | 6. | The professors and students were speechless while watching the taipei practitioners diligently distribute gift bags oblivious to the chilly wind and potential danger in the neighbourhoods they visited , and later said repeatedly , " this has been hard work for you . 他们目睹同修冒著寒风与危险,不辞辛劳地分赠礼物包给每位游民,一度感动得说不出话来,一再向社工人员和同修表示:你们辛苦了! |
- Similar Words:
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